Prepaid Coffee Subscription 2Kg (every 2nd month)

$ 88.00 AUD Sale Save
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Here's how it works:
These prices include taxes, but not other fees. This subscription auto-renews. It can be skipped or cancelled at anytime.
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Roast Espresso
Type Whole Beans


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Wow, what a great gift! Delivered from the roastery every 2 months

How it works:
3 shipments = supply for 6 months
6 shipments = supply for 12 months
This subscription would suit a 2 coffee drinker household or office using an average of 1Kg per month.

Simple to setup, first 2Kg order ships straight away and then every second month for the prepaid term you pick. Click the Complete subscription button and enter the details of the person that is going to receive the order, optionally after that you can enter a billing address of the person paying for the gift. 

Pure single origin Australian naturally grown espresso roast coffee from the plantation in Mareeba, Queensland roasted by the Jaques Master Roasters at the Plantation Roastery

This product ships directly from the roastery on the plantation in Mareeba